I was driving down a tiny road
Into a tiny town
My car was low on gas,
So I decided to slow down
I saw a station up ahead
Right down a tiny street
I drove my car
It wasn’t far – about 100 feet
I rolled up to a tiny pump
And switched the engine off
I didn’t see a single soul
Just heard a little cough
So I looked left and I looked right
But no one was around
Then one last time I turned my head
and that’s when I looked down
I saw him
Jump jump, pump it up, a chipmunk at the gas pump
Jump jump, pump it up, a chipmunk at the gas pump
Jump jump, pump it up, a chipmunk at the gas pump
Jump jump, pump it up, a chipmunk at the gas pump
The chipmunk’s name was Harry
And he wore a fancy tie
His sneakers both had glitter
And his socks were both knee-high
He had a snazzy chipmunk stripe
That ran right down his back
And every pocket held a tiny acorn he could crack
Jump jump, pump it up, a chipmunk at the gas pump!
Jump jump, pump it up, a chipmunk at the gas pump!
Jump jump, pump it up, a chipmunk at the gas pump!
Jump jump, pump it up, a chipmunk at the gas pump!
Pump di pump then we jump jump, chipmunk!
Pump di pump-pump pump
Pump di pump then we jump jump, chipmunk!
Pump di pump-pump pump
He was a very good worker
Who was fiercely independent
He made a fine living as a
Gas station attendant
But Harry loved the earth
So he called all of his relations
They helped him turn those pumps
into electric charging stations!
I asked him for a job and Harry told me I could stay
That chipmunk has become my friend and now there is no way
I ever will forget, the very first day … I saw him
Jump jump, pump it up, a chipmunk at the gas pump
Jump jump, pump it up, a chipmunk at the gas pump
Jump jump, pump it up, a chipmunk at the gas pump
Jump jump, pump it up, a chipmunk at the gas pump
Pump di pump then we jump jump, chipmunk!
Pump di pump-pump pump
Pump di pump then we jump jump, chipmunk!
Pump di pump-pump pump
(How many jumps would a chipmunk jump
if he can’t pump it up
when he tries to jump –
so he stands on a stump?
Let’s count ‘em all up!
It’s 1-2-3-4 jumps!)
(How many jumps would a chipmunk jump
if he can’t pump it up
when he tries to jump –
so he stands on a stump?
Let’s count ‘em all up!
It’s 1-2-3-4 jumps!)
(Jump jump, pump it up … jump jump!)
Pump di pump then we jump jump, chipmunk!
Pump di pump-pump pump
Pump di pump then we jump jump, chipmunk!
Pump di pump-pump, a chipmunk at the gas pump!