The kids love to pretend to be the clothes in this song. They wiggle on their backs after I “soap” them up and when it’s time to hang on the line they perch against a wall. They make themselves as small as they can when it’s time to “fold your clothes.” Then we fly away on our trip.
When you go on a trip and stay overnight
You’ve got to bring along a suitcase and pack it up right
Don’t forget your toothbrush, but everyone knows
The most important thing is that you
Wash your clothes…
Rinse your clothes…
Spin your clothes…
Hang them up to dry…
Here comes the wind…
Fold up your clothes!
We’ve got our shoes and our socks
And our shirts and our pants
We’ll go to China, South America, Russia and France
Don’t forget your toothbrush, but everyone knows
The most important thing is that you
So when you go on a trip…