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Popular Laurie Berkner Songs

A collection of some of Laurie's most well-loved songs
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The Goldfish
We Are the Dinosaurs
Rocketship Run
I'm Gonna Catch You
The Goldfish
We Are the Dinosaurs
Rocketship Run
I'm Gonna Catch You
The Goldfish
We Are the Dinosaurs
Rocketship Run
I'm Gonna Catch You
The Goldfish
We Are the Dinosaurs
Rocketship Run
I'm Gonna Catch You

Albums and Singles

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Screen-Free Listening


The Toniebox is a screen-free, kid-friendly audio player that works with collectible figurines called Tonies. When a Tonie is placed on the box, it plays stories, songs, or educational content specific to that figurine. Durable, portable, and easy to use, the Toniebox encourages independent play and creativity while providing a safe and fun way for kids to enjoy audio entertainment without screens.

Screen-Free Listening

Yoto Cards

The Yoto Player is a screen-free, interactive audio device designed for kids, offering a safe and fun way to listen to stories, music, podcasts, and educational content. It works with physical cards that are inserted into the player, each containing specific audio content. With its simple design, kid-friendly controls, and additional features like a nightlight and clock, the Yoto Player encourages independent, screen-free play while fostering creativity and a love for storytelling.

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Audible Original

Song And Story Kitchen

Laurie teamed up with Audible to bring you 2 seasons of this Audible Original series for kids 3-8. Set in her cozy kitchen, Laurie and her friend Thelonious Pig (and his little sister, Rosetta) tell stories about a magical land called Juniper Fields, where friends like Oscar Beebee the bumblebee, ferret cousins Victor Vito and Freddie Vasco, Tallulah Jones the dinosaur, Harry the Chipmunk, and Layla Meeska the mouse find songs and adventures wherever they go.

You don’t need to be an Audible member to get this series!

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