My mother used to fly a lot when I was kid and airports held a real magic for me. It’s less so now that I’m more concerned about where I’m going than how I get there-but I still long for the magic.

Get in your airplanes, and off we go
Going to the park is first, you know
Now slow it down and land on the ground
And when you get out

You’re gonna jump all around

Get in your airplanes and off we go
Going to California is next, you know
Now slow it down and land on the ground
And when you get out
You’re gonna spin all around

Get in your airplanes and off we go
Going to the New York City is next, you know
Now slow it down and land on the ground
And when you get out
You’re gonna gallop all around

Get in your airplanes and off we go
Going to the playground is first, you know
Now slow it down and land on the ground
And when you get out
You’re gonna dance all around

Get back in your airplanes, it’s time to go home
Your family and friends are waiting you know
Now slow it down and land on the ground
And come sit down in your own hometown